All-CMOS Compressive Sensing for Biological Imaging

An apparatus includes an array of pixels. At least a first pixel in the array of pixels includes a first detector to generate a first electrical signal in response to irradiation by incident radiation, a first transistor electrically coupled to the first detector, and at least one logic gate to implement a Boolean AND logic function. The logic gate includes a first input terminal to receive a first exposure signal, a second input terminal to receive a first reset signal, and an output terminal, electrically coupled to the first transistor, to output to the first transistor a first control signal to variably control a first variable exposure time of the first detector and to reset the first detector.


Jonathan Newman / Jie Zhang / Sang Chin / Matthew Wilson

Departments: Picower Institute for Learning & Memory, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems / Computer Science: Networking & Signals / Sensing & Imaging: Chemical & Radiation Sensing

  • apparatus and methods for all-cmos compressive sensing
    United States of America | Granted | 10,630,917
  • all-cmos compressive sensing for biological imaging
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application

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