An Architecture for Content and Host-Centric Information Dissemination in Delay-Tolerant Smartphone MANETs

An architecture to enable delay tolerant content-centric and host-centric communications in MANETs comprised of smart phones is disclosed. This architecture allows cross network communications and Internet sharing, assuming that at least one of the smart phones has internet connectivity. The architecture includes a routing mechanism for content-centric communications, as well as routing algorithms for host-centric communications. In one embodiment, a combination of OLSR and a modified variant of PRoPHET is used to create preferred routing paths for content-centric communication. In another embodiment, variations of store and forward, such as binary spray and wait, are used for host-centric communications. These communications between mobile devices utilize wireless communications, such as IEEE802.11.


Praveen Sharma / Jason Biddle / Aaron Daubman / Evan Fiore / Tim Gallagher / Max Merfeld / Santiago Paredes / Daniel Souza / Heather Zwahlen / Larry Robinson / Jeremy Mineweaser

Departments: Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Communication Systems: Wireless / Computer Science: Networking & Signals
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • an architecture for content and host-centric information dissemination in delay-tolerant manets
    United States of America | Granted | 9,119,226

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