Azobenzene Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes and Other Templated Photoswitch Molecules for High Energy Density Solar Thermal Fuels

This technology has applications in clean, renewable, and transportable energy conversion/storage.


Jeffrey C. Grossman / Alexie Kolpak

Departments: Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Energy & Distribution: Energy Storage
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

  • nano-templated energy storage materials
    United States of America | Granted | 10,703,628


The invention suggests a new approach to the design of high-energy density solar thermal fuels based on combining well-studied photoswitch molecules with carbon nanotubes to increase energy storage capacity and thermal stability of the photoswitch molecules. The novel solar thermal fuel is composed of azobenzene-functionalized carbon nanotubes and can have both volumetric and gravimetric energy densities comparable to that of Li-ion batteries.  

Problem Addressed

Large-scale adoption of solar thermal fuels requires enhanced energy storage capacity and thermal stability. Previous solar thermal fuels degraded after only a few cycles of energy conversion and release and/or were composed of expensive, non-abundant elements.  


  • No emissions
  • Easily transportable in liquid or powder form
  • Easy to recharge
  • Can cycle through energy conversion and release numerous times without degradation
  • Nanoscale template substrate imposes close-packed, highly ordered array of adsorbed photomolecules, which leads to increased volumetric energy density
  • Enables systematic manipulation of the inter- and intra-molecular interactions, creating a highly effective set of tuning parameters for maximizing both energy storage capacity and storage lifetime of the solar thermal fuel  

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