Base Station Ordering Technique (BoLT) for Localization in Dense Cellular Networks

An approach to localizing a mobile device takes advantage of the device reporting the order of its neighboring base stations (BSs) according to the received power of the pilot signals. Based on the received BS order, the agent is located within the intersection of corresponding higher-order Voronoi cells. Assuming that the BSs are deployed according to a Poisson point process (PPP) and that signals are subject to log-normal shadowing, the tradeoff between the ALR and the localization error probability can be characterized. It is shown that increasing the number of reported BSs generally reduces the ALR and improves the localization accuracy at the expense of increasing the localization error.


Moe Win / Wenhan Dai / Mohamed-Slim Alouini / Hesham ElSawy

Departments: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Technology Areas: Communication Systems: Wireless / Computer Science: Networking & Signals
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • base station ordering for localization
    United States of America | Granted | 11,019,592
  • base station ordering
    European Patent Convention | Published application

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