A Boronic Acid Based CoPhMoRe Polymer for Glucose Detection Using Near Infrared Fluorescent Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanosensors

This technology provides a sensitive, fast and continuous saccharide sensor with enhanced selectivity towards glucose.


Michael S. Strano / Thomas McNicholas / Jiyoung Ahn

Departments: Department of Chemical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics: Health Monitoring, Medical Device Coatings / Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • saccharide responsive optical nanosensors
    United States of America | Published application


A novel method for surface coating of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) for analyte binding and sensing is proposed. The nanosensor is comprised of a novel composition of phenylboronic acid polymer complexed with SWNT. This polymer is formed using reversible addition forward chain transfer polymerization and is used to impart water solubility and saccharide sensitivity to individual SWNT fluorophores. Furthermore, this sensing mechanism is confirmed as occurring nearly instantaneously, as is demonstrated by transient measurements. The selectivity of these complexes is distinct from that of free boronic acid moieties. Moreover, polymers having different phenylboronic acid derivatives and molecular weights can impart distinct saccharide or other analyte binding profiles when coupled to SWNT. As such, this complex represents an intriguing new class of sensors, which may be utilized for blood glucose monitoring or other diagnostic sensing applications.  

Problem Addressed

Blood glucose detection is of critical importance for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, a disease currently effecting 347 million people worldwide. Developing reliable, sensitive and durable sensors with which individuals can monitor and control the potential life-threatening effects of this disease remains a heavily researched topic.


  • Long lifetime
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Glucose-specific binding
  • Modifiable for selective binding of different analytes


"A Structure–Function Relationship for the Optical Modulation of Phenyl Boronic Acid-Grafted, Polyethylene Glycol-Wrapped Single." Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), 2012.

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