Conservative Signal Processing Architectures for Asynchronous, Distributed Optimization:

A framework is presented for designing a class of distributed, asynchronous optimization algorithms realized as signal processing architectures utilizing various conservation principles. The architectures are specifically based on stationary conditions pertaining to primal and dual variables in a class of generally nonconvex optimization problems. The stationary conditions, which are closely related to the principles of stationary content and co-content that naturally arise from Tellegen's theorem in electrical networks, are transformed via a linear change of coordinates to obtain a set of linear and nonlinear maps that form the basis for implementation. The resulting algorithms can operate by processing a linear superposition of primal and dual decision variables using the associated maps, coupled using synchronous or asynchronous delay elements to form a distributed system. Tables are provided containing example elements that can be assembled to form various optimization algorithms directly from the associated problem statements.


Tom Baran / Tarek Lahlou

Departments: Research Laboratory of Electronics
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Quantum Computing / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Logistics
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • systems and methods for distributed solution of optimization problems
    United States of America | Granted | 9,864,731
  • systems and methods for distributed solution of optimization problems
    United States of America | Granted | 11,093,577

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