Crosslinking Comonomers for High Performance Degradable Thermosets
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #22863
The present disclosure provides compounds of the formula (I). The present disclosure also provides copolymers prepared by polymerizing a first monomer (e g., dicyclopentadiene) and the compounds. The copolymers may show increased degradability and increased or maintained glass transition temperature. as compared to homopolymers of the first monomer.
Jeremiah A. Johnson
Peyton Shieh
Keith Husted
Departments: Department of Chemistry
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Catalysis & Synthesis, Polymers
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials
crosslinking comonomers for high performance degradable thermosets
United States of America | Published application -
crosslinking comonomers for high performance degradable thermosets
European Patent Convention | Published application -
crosslinking comonomers for high performance degradable thermosets
China | Published application -
crosslinking comonomers for high performance degradable thermosets
Hong Kong | Pending
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