High Throughput Isolation of Antigen-Specific Antibodies and Cells

Point of care detection of HIV and other infectious diseases, which require multiplexed detection; Microfluidic separation and isolation of antibodies; Microfluidic separation and isolation of cells; Affinity purification in a column  


Han Wei Hou / Aniruddh Sarkar / Galit Alter / Jongyoon Han

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Cell Separation / Therapeutics: Proteins & Antibodies
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • system and method for multiplexed affinity purification of proteins and cells
    United States of America | Granted | 10,228,313

Problem Addressed

This is a device for isolating individual antibodies, proteins or cells from a complex mixture, and it addresses the current technology's inefficiencies.  


Multiplexed isolation of rare antibodies, proteins or cells from complex mixtures is a process essential for disease diagnosis and drug development.  However, current methods, such as affinity chromatography and flow cytometry, can be time and labor intensive when used for interrogating more than a single protein in a sample, and are not well-suited for detecting rare events due to their relatively low throughput.  Professor Jay Han and colleagues have developed a novel method to isolate rare proteins and cells in complex biological samples by flowing a sample incubated with antibody-coated beads of different sizes in a spiral microfluidic channel.  The device takes advantage of the principles of inertial microfluidics to separate the differently sized beads, each bound to a different protein of interest, with high fidelity and throughput.  This system has a variety of applications, ranging from sample purification in pharmaceutical contexts to point of care disease diagnosis, and can be easily adapted for multiplexing.  


  • Versatile tool that can be used for research, industrial and clinical purposes
  • Multiplexed and high throughput
  • Can work with small or large volume sample
  • High specificity
  • Low cost
  • Sample can be easily analyzed with downstream tools  

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