Hybrid Reverse Osmosis Electrodialysis Systems for Brine Concentration
An aqueous solution flows through a desalination system that separates the aqueous solution into purified water and concentrated brine. The concentrated brine is directed into an electrodialysis system that includes an anode and a cathode and at least two monovalent selective ion exchange membranes between the anode and the cathode. At least one of the monovalent selective ion exchange membranes separates at least one diluate channel from at least one concentrate channel in the electrodialysis system, and this membrane selectively allows at least one monovalent ion to pass through the membrane while blocking or inhibiting the transport therethrough of multi-valent ions. The concentrated brine flows through at least the concentrate channel while a voltage is applied to the anode and cathode; and additional aqueous solution flows through the diluate channel.
concentrating aqueous solutions via hybridizing electrodialysis and other desalination techniques
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