Method for Efficient, High-Speed Two-Photon Logic Gates at Room Temperature for General-Purpose Quantum Information Processing

A two-photon logic gate introduces a phase shift between two photons using a Q-switched cavity with some nonlinearity. The two-photon logic gate catches photons in and releases photons from de-coupled cavity modes in response to electronic or photonic control signals. This “catch-and-release” two-photon gate can be formed in semiconductor photonic integrated circuit (PIC) that operates at room temperature. When combined with sources, linear circuits, other logic gates, and detectors, it can be used to make a quantum computer with up to 1000 error-corrected logical qubits on a cm2 PIC, with full qubit connectivity to avoid overhead. Two-qubit gate fidelity exceeding 99% is possible with near-term technology, and scaling beyond 99.9% is possible. Two-photon logic gates are also suitable for gate-based quantum digital computing and for analog quantum computing schemes, such as adiabatic quantum computing or quantum annealing.


Dirk R Englund / Mikkel Heuck / Kurt Jacobs

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Quantum Computing / Electronics & Photonics: Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • efficient, high-speed two-photon logic gates at room temperature for general-purpose quantum information processing
    United States of America | Granted | 11,556,046
  • efficient, high-speed two-photon logic gates at room temperature for general-purpose quantum information processing
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application

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