Method for Integrating Quantum Cascade Lasers with Passive Waveguides

Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are based on quantum cascade (QC) structures. In embodiment methods and corresponding devices, a QC layer in a wave confinement region of an integrated multi-layer semiconductor structure capable of producing optical gain is depleted of free charge carriers to create a low-loss optical wave confinement region in a portion of the structure. Ion implantation may be used to create energetically deep trap levels to trap free charge carriers. Other embodiments include modifying a region of a passive, depleted QC structure to produce an active region capable of optical gain. Gain or loss may also be modified by partially depleting or enhancing free charge carrier density. QC lasers and amplifiers may be integrated monolithically with each other or with passive waveguides and other passive devices in a self-aligned manner. Embodiments overcome challenges of high cost, complex fabrication, and coupling loss involved with material re-growth methods.


Laurent Diehl / Christian Pfluegl / Mark Witinski / Christine Wang / Anish Goyal

Departments: Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics: Lasers, Photonics, Quantum Technology, Semiconductors / Energy & Distribution: Electrochemical Devices
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

  • photonic integrated circuits based on quantum cascade structures
    United States of America | Granted | 9,450,053
  • methods for forming photonic integrated circuits based on quantum cascade structures
    United States of America | Granted | 9,735,549

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