Method for Secure Scheduling and Dispatching Synthetic Regulating Reserve from Distributed Energy Resources

Embodiments of the disclosure relate to methods and systems for modeling, controlling and computer-platform implementation of a Synthetic Reserve Provisioning System (SRPS) needed to aggregate and integrate small devices closer to consumers, referred to as Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). This know-how is based on data-driven physics-based modeling and it supports the dispatch and scheduling of DERs so that they can participate in system level provision of electricity service. An SRPS generally comprises multiple levels of consumer aggregators (Synthetic Reserve Provisioning (SRP) modules) which interact by exchanging well-defined information about provable consumer characteristics and their own loading and pricing conditions. Three different SRPS designs are described. They differ with respect to implementation requirements for communications, control, technical and economic risks assumed by different SRP modules. Depending on the control and available communication architecture, it is ultimately possible to ensure DER integration at value, even with a limited number of participating devices.


Erik Limpaecher / Rupamathi Jaddivada / Marija Ilic

Departments: Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Technology Areas: Industrial Engineering & Automation: Logistics
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • methods and systems for secure scheduling and dispatching synthetic regulation reserve from distributed energy resources
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application
  • methods and systems for secure scheduling and dispatching synthetic regulation reserve from distributed energy resources
    United States of America | Granted | 11,223,206

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