Micro Electro Mechanical Tunneling Switch

A micro-electromechanical system switch includes a substrate and a plurality of actuating electrodes formed the substrate wherein each actuating electrode is activatable. A cantilever beam has a first end and a second end and a plurality of stops formed thereon. The plurality of stops engages the substrate between the plurality of actuating electrode. A contact area is formed in the substrate and located to engage the second end of the cantilever beam. A voltage source applies a voltage to each actuating electrode independently in a sequence from an actuating electrode located adjacent to the first end of the cantilever beam to an actuating electrode located adjacent to the second end of the cantilever beam so that the plurality of stops sequentially engage the substrate between the plurality of actuating electrodes.


Carl Bozler / Craig Keast / Jeremy Muldavin

Technology Areas: Energy & Distribution: Electrochemical Devices, Hydrocarbons
Impact Areas: Climate Stabilization

  • micro-electro mechanical tunneling switch
    United States of America | Granted | 8,432,239

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