Nonlinear Coupled Magnonics: Terahertz Field-Driven Magnon Upconversion
Tailored light excitation and nonlinear control of lattice vibrations have emerged as powerful strategies to manipulate the properties of quantum materials out of equilibrium. Generalizing the exploitation of coherent phonon-phonon interactions to nonlinear couplings among other types of collective modes would open unprecedented opportunities in the design of novel dynamic functionalities in solids. For example, the collective excitations of magnetic order - magnons - can efficiently transfer information via spin current flow, and their coherent and nonlinear control would provide an attractive route to achieve faster signal processing for next-generation information technologies. Here, we discover that intense terahertz (THz) fields can initiate processes of magnon upconversion via coherent magnon-magnon interactions - a phenomenon that opens the paradigm of nonlinear coupled magnonics. By using a suite of advanced spectroscopic tools, including a newly demonstrated two-dimensional (2D) THz polarimetry technique enabled by single-shot detection, we unveil the unidirectional nature of coupling between distinct magnon modes of a canted antiferromagnet. Calculations of spin dynamics further suggest that this coupling is a universal feature of antiferromagnets with canted magnetic moments. These results demonstrate a route to inducing desirable energy transfer pathways between coherent magnons in solids and pave the way for a new era in the development of magnonic signal processing devices.
nonlinear coupled magnonics: terahertz field-driven magnon upconversion
United States of America | Pending
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