Optical Multidimensional Pulse Shaper and Fourier Transform Spectrometer

Methods and apparatus are disclosed, and include: (a) separating an input electromagnetic waveform into a plurality of intermediate waveforms, each of the intermediate waveforms being spatially separated from one another; (b) dispersing frequency components of each intermediate waveform onto different regions of a spatial light modulator and modulating at least some of the dispersed frequency components with the spatial light modulator; and (c) recombining the dispersed frequency components for each of the intermediate waveforms to produce a plurality of temporally shaped output waveforms.


Kenan Gundogdu / Katherine Stone / Daniel Turner / Keith A Nelson

Departments: Department of Chemistry
Technology Areas: Communication Systems: Optical / Electronics & Photonics: Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • multidimensional pulse shaper and spectrometer
    United States of America | Granted | 9,074,936

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