Packet Header Randomization (PHEAR)

A system and method for the randomization of packet headers is disclosed. A controller is used to provide random values, also referred to as nonces, that replace the source, and destination addresses that typically appear in a packet header. The controller also provides routing rules to the switches and routers in the network that allow these devices to properly route packets, even though the source and destination addresses are not present. In some embodiments, network devices that support software-defined networking (SDN) are employed. The number of times that a particular nonce is used may be variable. In some embodiments, a nonce is used for exactly one packet header. In this way, packets may traverse a network using nonces in place of actual source and destination addresses. Because the nonces are changed periodically, detection of traffic patterns is made significantly more difficult.

Departments: Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Communication Systems: Wireless / Computer Science: Cybersecurity, Networking & Signals
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • packet header randomization
    United States of America | Granted | 9,712,501

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