Particle Acceleration in a Variable Energy Iron-Free Synchrocyclotron by Single-Tuned Variable Frequency Resonator

Ions are released over time from an ion source into a beam area proximate a central axis. A radiofrequency (RF) system with a variable frequency and variable voltage accelerates the ions in orbiting trajectories expanding outward from the central axis. The ions are accelerated to different extraction energy levels within a given design range at a shared extraction radius from the central axis. An RF-frequency versus ion-time-of-flight scenario is set such that the frequency versus time scenario is the same for any ion extraction energy from the given design range, and a constant-or-variable-RF-voltage versus ion-time-of-flight scenario is adjusted to provide ion acceleration from injection to extraction for ions with different respective extraction energy levels within the given design range; and the ions are extracted at the different energy levels at the shared extraction radius.


Alexey Radovinsky

Departments: Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics: Quantum Technology

  • particle acceleration in a variable -energy synchrocyclotron by a single-tuned variable-frequency drive
    United States of America | Granted | 10,028,369

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