Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Dispersions for the Formation of Chemical Sensors

A sensor can include a conductive region in electrical communication with at least two electrodes, the conductive region can include a composite of a polymer and SWCNTs immobilized onto a substrate. In certain embodiment, a linker can be grafted on the substrate. The linker can connect the substrate and the composite of the polymer and SWCNTs. In certain embodiments, the linker can covalently bond the polymer to the substrate. In certain embodiments, metal nanoparticles or ions can be incorporated as a metal sensitizer to confer further selectivity or sensitivity to the device. In certain embodiments, the polymer can act as a ligand for a variety of metal ions. By incorporating a specific metal ion, the sensor can selectively detect a specific analyte. In certain embodiments, the composite of the polymer and SWCNTs can be functionalized. In certain embodiments, the composite can further include a sensing element.


Sophie Liu / Bora Yoon / Timothy Manning Swager

Departments: Department of Chemistry
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials, Polymers / Sensing & Imaging: Chemical & Radiation Sensing
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • polymer / single-walled carbon nanotube composite for gas detection
    United States of America | Granted | 10,697,918

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