Precise Hand-Assembly of Microfabricated Components

A hand assembled MEMS apparatus includes meso-scale microfabricated components adapted for being moved by hand relative to one another from a loose-fit preliminary alignment orientation to a relatively tight-fit assembled orientation. A microfabricated spring member is integrally disposed on one of the components to bias the other component towards the assembled orientation. A cam surface disposed on the other component is configured to slidably engage and move the spring member against its bias upon continued hand movement in the assembly direction. A microfabricated abutment is disposed to limit relative movement of the components in at least one direction other than the assembly direction. A microfabricated tactile feedback member is configured to disrupt the hand movement in the assembly direction once the components have substantially reached the assembled orientation.

Departments: Microsystems Technology Laboratories, Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Electronics & Photonics: Quantum Technology
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • precise hand-assembly of microfabricated components
    United States of America | Granted | 7,900,336

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