Rare Earth Spatial/Spectral Barcodes for Multiplexed Biochemical Testing


Hydrogel microparticles spatially and spectrally encoded using upconverting phosphor nanoparticles are described for use in biochemical testing. In each microparticle, upconversion nanocrystals having spectrally distinguishable emission spectra are disposed in different pardons of an encoding region of the microparticle.


Patrick Doyle / Albert Swiston / Paul Bisso / Ji Seok Lee

Departments: Department of Chemical Engineering, Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Sensors & Monitoring / Diagnostics: Imaging Agents

  • rare earth spatial/spectral barcodes for multiplexed biochemical testing
    United States of America | Granted | 9,528,145
  • rare earth spatial/spectral barcodes labeling of objects and tissues
    United States of America | Granted | 9,528,144
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    Australia | Granted | 2,014,228,412
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    Canada | Granted | 2,901,004
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    China | Granted | 105,189,697
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    European Patent Convention | Granted | 0
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    Korea (south) | Granted | 10
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    Singapore | Granted | 11,201,507,384
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    Hong Kong | Granted | 0
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticel barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    United States of America | Granted | 10,533,133
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    France | Granted | 0
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    Spain | Granted | 0
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    Italy | Granted | 0
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    United Kingdom | Granted | 0
  • rare earth spatial/spectral microparticle barcodes for labeling of objects and tissues
    Germany | Granted | 602,014,011,253

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