Soft Neuroprosthetic Hand

A neuroprosthetic limb providing simultaneous myoelectric control and tactile feedback that includes a hand portion designed to mimic the human hand, and a socket portion corresponding to at least a portion of a human arm. The hand portion includes five digits designed to mimic the five digits of a human hand, and which are a combination of soft structures and rigid segments. Together with a palm portion, the digits provide thirty three grasp types. Electromyography sensors are positioned to measure surface electromyogram signals and control the hand portion to deliver four common grasp types. Sensors on tips of the digits measure touch pressure and elicit electrical stimulation on the skin of a user's residual limb.


Xuanhe Zhao / Shaoting Lin / Ningbin Zhang / Haipeng Xu / Xiangyang Zhu / Guoying Gu

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Prostheses, Sensors & Monitoring / Chemicals & Materials: Polymers
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • soft neuroprosthetic limb with simultaneous myoelectric control and tactile feedback
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application

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