Synthesis of Ester, Carbonate, and Carbamate-derived Novel Biodegradable Ionizable Lipids from Methyl Ricinoleate or Methyl 12-Hydroxystearate and its Applications


Luke Rhym / Bowen Li / Akiva Gordon / rajith manan / Jacob Witten / Daniel Anderson

Departments: Chemical Engineering, David H Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Res, Department of Chemical Engineering
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Polymers / Drug Discovery and Research Tools: Genomics & Proteomics / Therapeutics: Nucleic Acids, Vaccines

  • synthesis of ester, carbonate, and carbamate-derived novel biodegradable ionizable lipids from methyl ricinoleate or methyl 12-hydroxystearate and its
    United States of America | Pending

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