Tough Hydrogel Pills Inflating 100 Times in Volume Within 10 Min

This device is a robust ingestible, inflatable pill that quickly swells into a hydrogel balloon within the stomach. It may be used for monitoring physiological signals such as gastric pH and glucose levels, helping patients comply with drug treatment regimens, or for treating obesity through bariatric intervention.


Xuanhe Zhao / Shaoting Lin / Hyunwoo Yuk / German Parada Hernandez / Xinyue Liu

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics: Health Monitoring / Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • fast-swelling, highly-swellable, robust hydrogel balloons
    United States of America | Published application



This inflatable hydrogel capsule is designed to be compressed and stored within a smaller pill that dissolves in the stomach. Once the outer pill dissolves, the hydrogel capsule retains gastric fluid through macropores on a tough, stretchable hydrogel membrane. There is a superabsorbent polymer within the membrane that swells up to 100 times its original volume within 10 minutes. The swelling speed can be tuned by adjusting the particle size of the superabsorbent polymer, and the final volume can be tuned by adjusting the amount of superabsorbent polymers within the capsule. Once fully inflated, the tough hydrogel membrane is robust enough to ensure long-term integrity within the acidic, compressive environment within the stomach. Finally, the hydrogel balloon can be deflated by ingesting calcium chloride. The remaining empty shell can then safely exit through the pylorus.

Problem Addressed

Current ingestible, inflatable hydrogel pills take several days to expand, and only reach a final volume up to 10 times their original size. This makes them susceptible to passing through the body. They also tend to be soft, and lack the strength to withstand compressive forces within the stomach. There is a need for a capsule that is small enough to be swallowed comfortably but large enough to avoid being passed out of the stomach through the pylorus. It must also be robust enough to endure harsh gastric conditions for long periods.


  • Fast swelling speed
  • Small and compact capsule for digestion
  • Large final swelling size
  • Robust membrane ensures long-term integrity
  • On-demand deflation allows safe excretion

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