Ultrasound-Based Individual Scatterer Detection Method Using Scatterer Motion Induced by Acoustic Radiation Force


The present invention relates to a method for measuring circulating cells in superficial body fluids by means of high-frequency-based device. The method can be used for detecting circulating cells in the fluids of an individual without the necessity of extracting a sample of the individual, being useful as a diagnostic tool and for monitoring the effectiveness of a treatment administered to an individual suffering from a viral, protozoal, fungal and/or bacterial disease.


Brian Anthony / Ian Butterworth / Javier Jimenez Gonzalez / John Lee / Luis Elvira / Shiva Shukla / Duane S Boning

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Office of the Provost
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems, Sensors & Monitoring / Sensing & Imaging: Acoustics, Chemical & Radiation Sensing
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • ultrasound-based individual scatterer detection method using scatterer motion induced by acoustic radiation force
    Canada | Granted | 2,998,680
  • ultrasound-based individual scatterer detection method using scatterer motion induced by acoustic radiation force
    China | Granted | 108,474,763
  • ultrasound-based individual scatterer detection method using scatterer motion induced by acoustic radiation force
    European Patent Convention | Granted | 3,350,586
  • ultrasound-based individual scatterer detection method using scatterer motion induced by acoustic radiation force
    Spain | Published application
  • ultrasound-based individual scatterer detection method using scatterer motion induced by acoustic radiation force
    Japan | Granted | 6,960,924
  • ultrasound-based individual scatterer detection method using scatterer motion induced by acoustic radiation force
    India | Published application
  • ultrasound-based individual scatterer detection method using scatterer motion induced by acoustic radiation force
    United States of America | Granted | 10,639,012

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