Ultrastrong Optical Focusing Using Dielectric Tips Embedded in Nanocavities: Applications in Ultrastrong Optical Nonlinearities; Light Sources; Detectors; and Nanoscale Spectroscopy

This technology introduces dielectric cavity arrays with specially designed pairs of dielectric tips, resulting in cavities with a low mode volume (e.g., 7*10^(-5)λ^3, where λ is the resonance wavelength of the cavity) and a high quality factor Q (e.g., 10^6 or more). These dielectric cavity arrays have applications in various fields, including Raman spectroscopy, second harmonic generation, optical signal detection, microwave-to-optical transduction, and as light-emitting devices. By concentrating incident light and enhancing its interaction with the surroundings, these cavities offer new possibilities for advanced optical applications.


Dirk R Englund / Hyeongrak Choi

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Sensing & Imaging: Optical Sensing
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • nanocavities, and systems, devices, and methods of use
    United States of America | Granted | 11,581,694

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