Velocimetric Sensing and High-Speed Transport Method and Apparatus for Magnetically-Tagged Biological and Chemical Entities Using Magnetic Domain Walls in Lithographically Defined Thin-Film Magnetic

An apparatus, method and computer-readable medium configured to transport a constituent of fluid sample that binds to a functionalized magnetic particle. The apparatus includes a substrate connected to an input port, a magnetic nanowire, and either a temporally changing magnetic field generator or a spin-polarized current source. The magnetic nanowire is disposed in a surface of the substrate. The width and thickness of the magnetic nanowire are configured so that a domain wall propagating along the nanowire in response to the temporally changing magnetic field continuously couples to a superparamagnetic particle introduced into the input port.


Geoffrey Stephen Beach / Elizabeth Rapoport

Departments: Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Electronics & Photonics: Semiconductors
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • transport and detection of superparamagnetic particles by nanowire
    United States of America | Granted | 9,024,631

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