Video Magnification in Presence of Large Motions

The method for dynamic video magnification magnifies small motions occurring simultaneously within large motions. The method involves selecting a region of interest from a video for magnification. The region of interest is warped to obtain a stabilized sequence of frames that discounts large motions. Each frame of the stabilized sequence is decomposed to a foreground layer, a background layer, and an alpha matte layer, and each of the foreground and alpha matte layers is magnified. Then a magnified sequence is generated from the magnified layers using matte inversion. Any image holes in the magnified sequence are filled in using texture synthesis. Finally, the magnified sequence is de-warped to the original space-time coordinates.


Mohamed Elgharib / Mohamed Hefeeda / William Freeman / Fredo Durand (he/him/his)

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Networking & Signals / Sensing & Imaging: Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • method for dynamic video magnification
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application

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