Available Technologies


Methods for Processing Pictures Taken with Different Focus

Technology / Case number: #12981
Jae S Lim
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Apparatus and Methodology for Adaptive Illumination for True Color Underwater Images

Technology / Case number: #12318
Iuliu Vasilescu / Alexander Bahr / Carrick Detweiler / Daniela Rus
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Cooperative Localization for UWB Networks

Technology, Software / Case number: #12324
Moe Win / Henk Wymeersch / Jaime Lien
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Method and System for Instantaneously Detecting, Imaging, Locating and then Continuously Monitoring and Determining the Abundance of Fish Populations Over Continental-Shelf Scales with Ocean Wave...

Technology / Case number: #11609
Nicholas Makris / Purnima Ratilal
Technology Areas: Agriculture & Food / Communication Systems / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Bandwidth Efficient Wavelength Multiplexed DPSK

Technology / Case number: #12684L
David Caplan
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Method and Instrumentation for Determining Infrared Absorption of Aerosol Particles

Technology / Case number: #12842L
William Herzog
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Water Soluble Biradicals for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Technology / Case number: #12199
Robert Guy Griffin / Changsik Song / Eric Dane / Timothy Manning Swager / Kan-Nian Hu
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution

Resonant dc-dc Boost Converter

Technology / Case number: #12050
Yehui Han / Olivia Leitermann / Anthony Sagneri / Robert Pilawa-Podgurski / David J Perreault / Juan Rivas
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Zinc-Oxide Nanowire Photosynthetic Solar Cell

Technology / Case number: #11996
Andreas Mershin / Brian Cook / Shuguang Zhang
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution

Electrically Controlled Catalytic Nanowire Growth from Solution

Technology / Case number: #13504
August Dorn / Cliff Wong / Moungi G Bawendi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution

High Speed and Low Loss Electro-Absorption GeSi/Si Modulator and Method

Technology / Case number: #11658Q
Dong Pan / Lionel Kimerling / Jurgen Michel / Jifeng Liu
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics / Industrial Engineering & Automation

New Method of Fabricating Low Loss Waveguide by Selective Growth

Technology / Case number: #11578Q
Dong Pan / John Allen Yasaitis / Lionel Kimerling / Jurgen Michel / Jifeng Liu
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics

Echo Tops 0-2 Hour Forecast

Technology, Software / Case number: #11759L
Paul Bieringer / Marilyn Wolfson / Kim Woodrow / Robert Boldi / Richard Johnson / Bill Dupree / Carol Kelly
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Environmental Engineering

Resistance Compression Networks for Resonant Power Conversion

Technology / Case number: #11651
Yehui Han / Olivia Leitermann / David J Perreault / Juan Rivas
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

High-Speed Modulator for Frequency-Shift Keying

Technology / Case number: #12270L
Don Boroson / Bryan Robinson / Shelby Savage / Scott Hamilton
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Electromagnetic Wave Broadband Angular Selectivity

Technology / Case number: #16896
Yichen Shen / Dexin Ye / John D Joannopoulos / Steven G Johnson / Marin Soljacic / Ivan Celanovic
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution

Microwave Beam Steering for Radar Antennas Through the Use of Waveguide Mode Mixing

Technology / Case number: #15351L
James Anderson
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Electrophoretic Deposition of Extreme High/Low Surfaces Energy Coatings

Technology / Case number: #14209
Cullen R. Buie / Young Soo Joung
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Connected World

Cross-Technology MIMO Mechanisms

Technology / Case number: #14992J
Dina Katabi / Shyamnath Gollakota / Fadel Adib / Srinivasan Seshan
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Quick Response (QR) Data Collection, Monitoring, and Tracking Labels for Product Warranty

Technology / Case number: #14828
Kenfield Griffith
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 820 results

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