Available Technologies


Patterned Light Beam and Patterned Light Block for Particle Position Measurement

Technology / Case number: #11699L
Jonathan Lin / George Haldeman / Antonio Sanchez-Rubio / Thomas Jeys / Vincenzo Daneau / Ronald Hoffeld / Nicholas Judson
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Sensing & Imaging

Luminescent Sensors for Electrophiles

Technology / Case number: #11833
Samuel Thomas / Koushik Venkatesan / Timothy Manning Swager
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Sensing & Imaging

Scalable Biomass-Derived Hydrogels for Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Capture

Technology / Case number: #25513
T. Alan Hatton / Youhong (Nancy) Guo
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Lipase-Expressing E. Coli

Technology, Tangible Property / Case number: #25403
Ariel Furst / Gang Fan / Barathkumar Baskaran
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

DNA Based Immobilization for Improved Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction

Technology / Case number: #23961
Ariel Furst / Gang Fan
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering

Plant Nanobionics for Enhanced Phytoremediation

Technology / Case number: #25194
Michael S. Strano / Cody Ritt
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Charge Control Strategy to Reduce the Risk of an Aircraft-Initiated Lightning Strike, Using Ion Emission from the Aircraft Surface

Technology / Case number: #18552
Carmen Guerra-Garcia / Ngoc Cuong Nguyen / Theodore Mouratidis / Manuel Martinez-Sanchez / Jaime Peraire
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Climate Stabilization

The Method for the Self-Powered Detection of Nitroaromatics Using a Wild Type Plant

Technology / Case number: #18319
Michael S. Strano / Juan Pablo Giraldo Gomez / Seonyeong Kwak / Min Hao Wong
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering / Sensing & Imaging

Engineered Yeast As a Method for Bioremediation

Technology / Case number: #18804
George Sun / Angela Belcher
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Environmental Engineering

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 9 results

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