Available Technologies


Tactical Acoustic Laser Communication (TALC)

Technology / Case number: #20614L
Charles Wynn / Yaron Rachlin / Ryan Sullenberger / Sumanth Kaushik
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Simultaneous Transmit and Receive with Digital Phased Array

Technology / Case number: #19032L
Ken Kolodziej / Bradley Perry / Jonathan Doane
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Growing Soft Robot Tip Clutching Winch Mechanism

Technology / Case number: #25184J
Kentaro Barhydt / Godson Osele / Harry Asada
Technology Areas: Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Honeycomb Ultrasound Breast Patch for Deep Tissue Scanning and Imaging

Technology / Case number: #25168TE
Canan Dagdeviren
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
  • Women's Health

Engineering Human Skin Microbes to Produce Mosquito Repellent Terpenes

Technology / Case number: #25097
Christopher Voigt / Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan / Iliano Coutinho / Robyn Raban / Feng Liu / Omar Akbari / Geng-Min Lin / Daniel Yoo
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Machine Learning for Dynamic Information Retrieval of Electronic Health Record Notes

Technology / Case number: #25085J
David Sontag / Monica Agrawal / Steven Horng / Sharon Jiang / Shannon Shen / Barbara Lam / Nicholas Kurtzman / David Karger
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

High Strength, Highly Flexible Soft Growing Robotic Strap

Technology / Case number: #25049J
Kentaro Barhydt / Obumneme Godson Osele / Allison Okamura / Harry Asada
Technology Areas: Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Heterogeneous Integrated UV-IR Ultra-Low Loss Multi-Layer Platform with Electrical Interconnects, Gain, Modulation, Detection, and Nonlinear Optics

Technology / Case number: #24888J
Dirk R Englund / Mikkel Heuck / Matthew Eichenfield / Daniel Blumenthal
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Optimization of Quantum-Active Defects and Spins in Chemical Systems Using Machine Learning

Technology / Case number: #24884L
Danielle Braje / Jennifer Schloss / Linh Pham / Swaroop Vattam / Justin Mallek / Dane de Quilettes / Eden Price
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Superconducting Qubit Josephson Junctions for Reduction of Spatially Correlated Errors in Multi-qubit Arrays

Technology / Case number: #24856L
William Oliver / Kyle Serniak / Patrick Harrington
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

A Radio System Using A Phase-Reconfigurable Reflectarray For Adaptive Beamforming

Technology / Case number: #24848L
David Browne / William Moulder / Navid Yazdani / Swaroop Appadwedula / Ben Guerriero / Gary Hatke / Christian Chapman / Keith Forsythe
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Conformable Ultrasound Face Patch for Cavitation Enhanced Transdermal

Technology / Case number: #24824TE
Canan Dagdeviren
Technology Areas: Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Extreme Salt-Resisting Multistage Water Treatment

Technology / Case number: #24690J
Evelyn N. Wang / Lenan Zhang / Yang Zhong / Ruzhu Wang / Zhenyuan Xu / Jintong Gao / Jinfang You
Technology Areas: Environmental Engineering / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Decoding Correlated Received Multi-Symbol Data by Guessing Noise Effect

Technology / Case number: #24655J
Kenneth Duffy / Hadi Sarieddeen / Kathleen Yang / Muriel Medard
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

III-Nitride Vertical Hot Electron Transistor with Polarization Doping and Collimated Injection

Technology / Case number: #24603LJ
Jeffrey Daulton / Alexander Zaslavsky
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Method and Apparatus for Smart Adaptive Dynamic Range Multiuser Detection Radio Receiver

Technology / Case number: #16127L
Rachel Learned / Paul Fiore
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Ring Array and Central Antenna System for Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Applications

Technology / Case number: #14871L
Jeffrey Herd / Peter Hurst / Ken Kolodziej / Hans Steyskal / Alan Fenn / Leonard Parad
Technology Areas: Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

aMethod for Producing III-N Substrates

Technology / Case number: #14502L
Rich Molnar
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

A Method to Identify and Compensate for In-Plane Resonances of a Scanning Probe Microscope

Technology / Case number: #14095
Georg Fantner / Daniel Burns / Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Spectrally Efficient Digital Logic (SEDL) ADC and DAC Continuation of Case 19888L

Technology / Case number: #21094L
Robert Murphy
Technology Areas: Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 2602 results

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