Available Technologies


Quantum Reference Beacon

Technology / Case number: #20205
Dirk R Englund / Donggyu Kim
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics

Soft Detection Information for Decoding based on Guessing

Technology / Case number: #20789J
Kenneth Duffy / Muriel Medard
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Predictor of Deletions after Targeted Chromosome Cleavage

Technology / Case number: #21045
Max Shen / Jonathan Hsu / David K Gifford
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science

Freely Scalable Quantum Computing using a 2D Atomic Emitter Array with Massively Parallel Optical Interconnects

Technology / Case number: #21670
Dirk R Englund / Hyeongrak Choi
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging

Deep Compositional Robotic Planners that Follow Natural Language Commands

Technology / Case number: #21815
Andrei Barbu / Yen-Ling Kuo / Boris Katz
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation

Programmable Nanolithography Mask

Technology / Case number: #22133
Geoffrey Stephen Beach / Aik Jun Tan / Mantao Huang
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics

Cryogenic Integrated Circuits Architecture for Multiplexed Chemical-Shift NMR

Technology / Case number: #22378
Dirk R Englund
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution

IOI: In-network Optical Inference

Technology / Case number: #23190J
Dirk R Englund / Ryan Hamerly / Liane Sarah Bel Bernstein / Alexander Sludds / Manya Ghobadi / Zhizhen Zhong / Weiyang Wang
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Efficient Module-Level Dynamic Analysis for Dynamic Languages with Module Recontextualization

Technology / Case number: #23551
Nikolaos Vasilakis / Martin Rinard
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Privilege Metric for Evaluating the Security of a Library

Technology / Case number: #23553
Nikolaos Vasilakis
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

Cyber-Secure Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (CS-DyMonDS)

Technology / Case number: #23585
Marija Ilic
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science

Unified Documentation and Information Retrieval for Electronic Health Records

Technology / Case number: #23636JQ
David Sontag / Luke Murray / Monica Agrawal / Steven Horng / Divya Gopinath / David Karger
Technology Areas: Computer Science

All-Photonic Artificial Neural Network Processor Via Non-linear Optics

Technology / Case number: #23925
Dirk R Englund / Mikkel Heuck / Stefan Krastanov / Jasvith Basani
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Communication Systems / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics

Radio-Frequency Photonic Architecture for Deep Neural Networks, Signal Processing, and Computing

Technology / Case number: #24089
Dirk R Englund / Ronald Davis
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging

Sparse Closed-form Liquid Neural Algorithms for Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Edge Robots

Technology / Case number: #24660
Daniela Rus / Alexander Amini / Ramin Hasani / Mathias Lechner / Makram Chahine
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation

Six Degrees of Freedom Position Sensor

Technology / Case number: #24672
Krishan Kant / David L Trumper
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Longevity Planning Blocks for use in Retirement Planning

Technology / Case number: #24907
Joseph Coughlin / Sheng-Hung Lee
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science

THz Cryo-CMOS Backscatter Transceiver: A Contactless 4 Kelvin-300 Kelvin Data Interface

Technology / Case number: #24925
Ruonan Han / Jinchen Wang
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics

Net Moment Magnetometry for Planar Data using Multipoles

Technology / Case number: #25008
Benjamin P Weiss / Eduardo Andrade Lima
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 799 results

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