Available Technologies


Fiber-Based Laser Frequency Stabilization by Polarization Spectroscopy

Technology / Case number: #17191
Matthew J Evans / Adam Libson / Aaron Buikema / Nicolas Brown
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Cast Regolith Bricks for Radiation, Thermal and Micrometeoroid Protection on the Moon

Technology / Case number: #25925
Nikita Klimenko / Lanie McKinney / Annika Thomas / Palak Patel / Daniel Massimino / Juan Hurtado Salazar
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Development of a Platform to Noninvasively Image Car T Cells

Technology / Case number: #25905J
Michael Hemann / Mohammad Rashidian / Jennifer Rowley / Taha Rakhshandehroo / Ali Salehi / Julia Froese
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Sensing & Imaging / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Remote Epitaxy of SiC

Technology / Case number: #21214J
Jeehwan Kim / Wei Kong / Kuan Qiao / Takuji Maekawa / Noriyuki Masago / Rachael Myers-Ward / David Gaskill
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Integrated Electromagnetic Control and Shielding of Solid-state Spin Ensembles

Technology / Case number: #24749L
Adam Libson / Danielle Braje / Jennifer Schloss / John Barry / Jessica Kedziora / Andrew Maccabe / Adnan Zaloglu
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution

Greater than Binary State Digital Logic for Superconductive Circuits

Technology / Case number: #24981L
Alexander Wynn / Chad Meiners / Matthew Guyton
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Ring Laser with Power Build-up Cavity for Chemical Sensing

Technology / Case number: #18435L
Shawn Redmond / Thomas Jeys
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Photonic-Enabled RF Canceller with Tunable Time-Delay Taps

Technology / Case number: #19359L
Ken Kolodziej / Bradley Perry / Sivasubramaniam Yegnanarayanan
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Digitally Programmable Arbitrary Analog LTI Filters

Technology / Case number: #25674
Dirk R Englund / Ronald Davis
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Transferable Nanostructure Fabrication by Gapless Stencil Lithography

Technology / Case number: #25149
Ahmet Kemal Demir / Riccardo Comin / Jiaruo Li
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Wearable Bioadhesive Ultrasound Elastography

Technology / Case number: #25587J
Xuanhe Zhao / Hsiao-Chuan Liu / Yushun Zeng / Qifa Zhou
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Fast Nonlinear Dynamic Electrochemical Characterization of Arbitrary Fluids

Technology / Case number: #24656
Michael Aling / Kimberley Cheng / Billal Iqbal / Ian Hunter
Technology Areas: Agriculture & Food / Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Electrical Double Layer Force Enabled CMOS-Compatible Transfer of Van der Waals Materials

Technology / Case number: #25634
Jing Kong / Jiangtao Wang / Xudong Sheldon Zheng
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

FISHTALE- Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization of TAL Effectors

Technology / Case number: #19813TE
Edward Stuart Boyden / Adam Marblestone / Samuel Rodriques / Nicholas Barry
Technology Areas: Sensing & Imaging / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Persistent-Mode MRI Magnet Fabricated from Reacted, Monofilamentary MgB2 Wires

Technology / Case number: #16305
Yukikazu Iwasa / Seung-Yong Hahn / Juan Bascunan / John Voccio / YoungJae Kim / Jungbin Song / Jiayin Ling
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Industrial Engineering & Automation / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Toroidal Bending Magnets for Hadron Therapy Gantries

Technology / Case number: #17367
Philip Michael / Leslie Bromberg
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Hyper Resolution Multi-Frame Imaging

Technology / Case number: #14572
Long Phan / Jonathan Jesneck / Sanjay Emani Sarma
Technology Areas: Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Improvements to Optical Communication Receivers

Technology / Case number: #14890L
David Caplan
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World


Technology / Case number: #14079K
Carlo Ratti
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Tissue Stiffness Quantification for Diagnosis and Mapping

Technology / Case number: #17896
Tyler Wortman / Alexander Slocum / William Plummer / Edward Perez
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 845 results

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