Available Technologies


Lipid Anchorage of Cytokines onto Layer-by-Layer Nanoparticles

Technology / Case number: #25070H
Ivan Pires / Darrell J Irvine / Paula Hammond
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Cell-Surface Anchored Cytokine Therapy

Technology, Tangible Property / Case number: #25245H
Luciano Santollani / Darrell J Irvine / Karl Dane Wittrup
Technology Areas: Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Spatially Localized Gene Delivery of Adeno-Associated Viruses

Technology / Case number: #25055
Polina Anikeeva / Keisuke Nagao
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Reconstituted Lipoprotein Particles to Rescue Lipid Defects in the Alzheimer's Brain

Technology / Case number: #25445P
Li-Huei Tsai / Rebecca Pinals
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Method of Enhanced Clearance of Uremic Toxins in Hemodialysis using Nanoporous Membranes

Technology / Case number: #21853
Rohit N Karnik / Aaron Persad / Chun Man Chow / Chi Cheng
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics

Optimized Alum-Anchored HIV Env Immunogens

Technology / Case number: #24972HJ
Kristen Rodrigues / Christopher Cottrell / Jon Steichen / William Schief / Darrell J Irvine
Technology Areas: Drug Delivery / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Selective Valorization of Biomass Sugars

Technology / Case number: #21846
Alison Wendlandt / Yong Wang / Hayden Carder
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics

Biodegradable Lipids and Formulations for Intramuscular, In Vitro, and Ex Vivo Transfection of mRNA

Technology / Case number: #23969J
Arnab Rudra / Akash Gupta / Kaelan Reed / Daniel Anderson
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics

A Diagnostic and Treatment Prediction Toolkit for Bipolar Disorder based on Polymorphisms in CPG2 Regulatory Domains

Technology / Case number: #23591P
Baovi Vo / Elly Nedivi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Functionalization of MiniHA with Lauric Acid

Technology / Case number: #20135
Bradley D. Olsen / Allie Obermeyer / Sieun Kim / Lavinia Popescu / Yun Jung Yang
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Thermogelling Nanoemulsions for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Technology / Case number: #22768
Patrick Doyle / Liang-Hsun Chen
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Using Cross-Dressing to Enhance Anti-Tumor Immune Responses

Technology / Case number: #21679
Stefani Spranger / Ellen Duong
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Gastric-Resident Devices for Gram-level Drug Delivery

Technology / Case number: #20379JQ
Giovanni Traverso / Andrew Bellinger / Tyler Grant / Malvika Verma / Taylor Bensel / Daniel Minahan / Robert Langer
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Novel Chimeric Antigen Receptor Signaling Domains Derived via Activity-based Directed Evolution

Technology / Case number: #21116
Michael Birnbaum / Taeyoon Kyung
Technology Areas: Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

A Ribonucleoprotein Approach to Boost the STING Signaling for Cancer Immunotherapy

Technology / Case number: #21216
Jiahe Li / Yanpu He / Paula Hammond
Technology Areas: Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

MicroRNA-based Logic Gates that Do Not Use Exogenous Proteins

Technology / Case number: #21334
Ron Weiss / Giulio Alighieri
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Synthesis and Anti-cancer Activity of Communesin Alkaloids

Technology / Case number: #21462
Mo Movassaghi / Matthew Pompeo / Jaime Cheah
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Accurate Genome Editing

Technology / Case number: #21848
Timothy K Lu / Shota Nakade
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Small Molecules to Improve Myelination in Alzheimer's Disease and APOE4 Carriers

Technology / Case number: #23168P
Li-Huei Tsai / Manolis Kellis / Joel Blanchard / Jose Davila Velderrain / Leyla Akay / Djuna von Maydell / Audrey Effenberger / Matheus Victor
Technology Areas: Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

M13 Phage based Gene Therapy Platform (Chapter 4 of Thesis Work)

Technology / Case number: #23296
Uyanga Tsedev / Angela Belcher
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 340 results

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