Alexandre Megretski


Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science: Networking & Signals, Bioinformatics / Electronics & Photonics: Semiconductors / Energy & Distribution: Electrochemical Devices / Communication Systems: Satellites, Wireless


Hardware-Efficient Compensator for Outphasing Power Amplifiers

Technology / Case number: #16207
Yehuda Avniel / Yan Li / Zhipeng Li / Alexandre Megretski / Vladimir Stojanovic / Omer Tanovic
Technology Areas: Communication Systems
Impact Areas: Connected World

Hardware-Efficient Signal-Component Separator for Outphasing Power Amplifiers

Technology / Case number: #15608
Yehuda Avniel / Yan Li / Zhipeng Li / Alexandre Megretski / Vladimir Stojanovic
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Connected World

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