Novel Method for the Detection of Anticoagulants in Plasma and Whole Blood

This coagulation testing technology has a wide variety of applications in trauma care, cardiology, oncology, or any other medical field where blood coagulation testing is desired.



Galit H. Frydman / Pavan Bendapudi / James Fox / Charles Vanderburg / Ronald Tompkins / Mehmet Toner

Departments: Division of Comparative Medicine, Department of Biological Engineering, Health Sciences and Technology Program
Technology Areas: Diagnostics: Assays
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • methods and devices for detection of anticoagulants in plasma and whole blood
    Japan | Granted | 7,214,712
  • method for detection of anticoagulants in plasma and whole blood
    United States of America | Published application
  • method for detection of anticoagulants in plasma and whole blood
    United States of America | Published application


This technology is an assay that tests coagulation in a single drop of blood in under 10 minutes. To determine the clotting ability of a sample using this assay, a drop of blood is loaded on a microfluidic chip pre-loaded with various concentrations of a specific coagulation factor. After several minutes, the clotting status of the sample at each concentration is scanned on the chip. This assay can be used to test the presence of a particular novel oral anticoagulant by using a chip containing coagulation factors targeted by any given NOA. This could allow testing of effective NOA dose or could be used in a trauma care setting to rapidly test for anticoagulation drugs in an unconscious patient. Additionally, this same technology could be used to functionally test for congenital or auto-immune clotting deficiencies at particular points in the clotting cascade. Finally, this technology is rapid and simple enough to be deployed bedside, enabling on-demand monitoring of coagulation status.

Problem Addressed

The delicate coagulation balance is critically important for circulatory function. Too much coagulation, and patients are at risk for stroke or heart attack, whereas too little coagulation can lead to uncontrollable bleeding. Anticoagulant drugs are widely used to prevent heart attack and stroke, particularly in elderly populations. Novel oral anticoagulants (NOA) have minimal side effects and have slowly been replacing more traditional anticoagulants, such as warfarin. However, the pharmacokinetics of these novel anticoagulants can be complicated and determining an effective dose difficult. Additionally, there are currently no tests to determine if patients are on the right dose, and general coagulation testing is complicated and expensive. These inventors have developed a method of rapidly testing coagulation capacity and the presence of novel anticoagulants in patient samples.


  • Rapid testing for whole blood or plasma coagulation capacity.
  • Coagulation testing with a single drop of blood.
  • Straightforward testing that does not require expensive equipment or advanced technical skills.
  • First assay developed for novel oral anticoagulant function.

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