Available Technologies


Methods to Specifically Profile Protease Activity at Lymph Nodes

Technology / Case number: #18619H
Andrew Warren / Jaideep Dudani / Naveen Mehta / Sangeeta Bhatia / Darrell J Irvine / Karl Dane Wittrup
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Methods and Uses for Remotely Triggered Protease Activity Measurements

Technology / Case number: #18272H
Gabriel Kwong / Piyush Jain / Jaideep Dudani / Simone Schuerle-Finke / Sangeeta Bhatia
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Oligomeric Conjugates for siRNA Delivery and Glucose-Responsive Insulins

Technology / Case number: #15977J
Arturo Vegas / Rosemary Kanasty / Robert Langer / Daniel Anderson
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Highly Sensitive and Multiplexed Detection of Analytes with Mass Reporters and Quantitative Mass Spectrometry

Technology / Case number: #14585H
Gabriel Kwong / Sangeeta Bhatia
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Method to Pattern Cells (Crude Blood) on a (Planar) Surface

Technology / Case number: #15262
Shivang Dave / German Serrano
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

CRISPR-based Diagnostics for Transplantation Medicine

Technology / Case number: #21752J
James Collins / Leonardo Riella / Michael Kaminski
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

High-throughput Cellulose based Pulldown Assay

Technology / Case number: #23189DEJ
Peter Preiser / Hadley Sikes / Patthara Kongsuphol / Huan Jia / Megan McBee / Say Yong Ng / Hoi Lok Cheng / Sing Mei Lim
Technology Areas: Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

A Stretchable, Wearable Ultrasound Transducer for Wide-Scale Breast Cancer Data Collection

Technology / Case number: #20934TE
Canan Dagdeviren / Lin Zhang
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
  • Women's Health

Tri-Functional Hydrophilic Self-Crosslinked Dimethylacrylamide Polymer

Technology / Case number: #18698TEM
Edward Stuart Boyden / Linyi Gao / Ruixuan Gao / Nikita Obidin
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Identification by NMR Fingerprinting

Technology / Case number: #16827
Yanchuan Zhao / Timothy Manning Swager
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Apparatus for Forming and Processing Arrangements of Embedded Droplets

Technology / Case number: #21603JDE
Patrick Doyle / Arif Nelson / Saif Khan
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Device and Method for Imaging Shortwave Infrared Autofluorescence

Technology / Case number: #18527J
Oliver Bruns / Jessica Carr / Klaus Van Leyen / Yi Zheng / Marianne Aellen / Moungi G Bawendi
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Hybrid Materials with Living Cells and Tough Hydrogels

Technology / Case number: #18548
Timothy K Lu / Xuanhe Zhao / Eleonore Tham / Xinyue Liu / Tzu-Chieh Tang
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Pooled Screening Identifies Genomic Features (Biomarkers) Modulating Nanoparticle-Cell Interactions

Technology / Case number: #22785J
Angela Koehler / Natalie Boehnke / Joelle Straehla / Paula Hammond
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics

Ultrastructural Membrane Expansion Microscopy

Technology / Case number: #25088HM
Edward Stuart Boyden / Tay Won Shin
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Near and Shortwave Infrared Polymethine Dyes

Technology / Case number: #19474
Ellen Sletten / Justin Caram / Timothy Manning Swager
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Method for Point-of-use Testing for Bacteriological Water Contamination in Resource-Limited Environments

Technology / Case number: #19080
Rohit N Karnik / Emily Hanhauser / Michael Bono / Chintan Vaishnav / Sydney Beasley / Anastasios John Hart
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics / Environmental Engineering / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Scalable and Safe Quantum Dot Precursor

Technology / Case number: #20834
Daniel Franke / Matthias Ginterseder / Moungi G Bawendi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging

Near Infrared Fluorescent Biosensors for Steroid Hormones

Technology / Case number: #21434
Michael S. Strano / Michael Lee / Naveed Bakh / Song Wang
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Quantitative Ultra-sensitive Detection of Biological Species

Technology / Case number: #21467
Suchol Savagatrup / Kosuke Yoshinaga / Jie Li / Zachary Nelson / Cassandra Zentner / Timothy Manning Swager
Technology Areas: Agriculture & Food / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 118 results

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