Available Technologies


Methods to Mitigate Leaks in Membranes

Technology / Case number: #16545J
Rohit N Karnik / Suman Bose / Tarun Jain / Sean O'Hern / Michael Boutilier / Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou / Tahar Laoui / Atieh Muataz / Doojoon Jang
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

Linearizing Wideband Receiver

Technology / Case number: #15649L
Helen Kim / Benjamin Miller / Merlin Green / Andrew Bolstad / Michael Ericson / Karen Gettings / Daniel Santiago
Technology Areas: Communication Systems
Impact Areas: Connected World

Optical Phased Array Ladar

Technology / Case number: #17488L
Juan Montoya / Dale Fried / Harold Payson / Robert Hatch / Antonio Sanchez-Rubio / Richard Heinrichs
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Combined Intensity and Coherent Change Detection for Synthetic Aperture Radar

Technology / Case number: #17178L
Christ Richmond / Miriam Cha / Rhonda Phillips / Patrick Wolfe
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Technique to Improve Speech Intelligibility in Noise by Normalizing Signal Energy Over Time

Technology / Case number: #17626
Charlotte Reed / Louis Braida / Joseph Desloge
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Sparse Class Representation with Linear Programming

Technology / Case number: #15271L
Karl Ni / Katherine Bouman / Nadya Bliss
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

Additional Crosstalk Suppression in Avalanche Photodiodes

Technology / Case number: #15213L
Michael Grzesik / Zong-Long Liau / Joseph Donnelly
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Optoelectronic Filter

Technology / Case number: #16505L
Paul Juodawlkis / William Loh / Sivasubramaniam Yegnanarayanan / Rajeev Ram
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Broadband Frequency Comb Synthesis of Diffraction Limited, Ultrafast Pulse Train with an Acousto-Optic Frequency Shifter in Feedback Configuration

Technology / Case number: #15107
Jonathan Cox / Franz Kaertner
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Electrically Driven Digital Printing of Particulate Matter

Technology / Case number: #16454J
Justin Beroz / Homayoon Maghsoodi / Anastasios John Hart
Technology Areas: Energy & Distribution / Industrial Engineering & Automation

Distributed Airborne Antenna Beamforming

Technology / Case number: #16986L
David Browne / Navid Yazdani / Keith Forsythe
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Compact Thermal Neutron Imaging System Using Axisymmetric Focusing Mirrors

Technology / Case number: #15521J
David Moncton / Boris Khaykovich / Mikhail Gubarev / Brian Ramsey / Darell Engelhaupt
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Adaptive Digital Matching of Electrically Small Antenna

Technology / Case number: #16948L
Timothy Hancock / Frank Robey / Gregory Stahl
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

An Architecture for Content and Host-Centric Information Dissemination in Delay-Tolerant Smartphone MANETs

Technology / Case number: #15293L
Praveen Sharma / Jason Biddle / Aaron Daubman / Evan Fiore / Tim Gallagher / Max Merfeld / Santiago Paredes / Daniel Souza / Heather Zwahlen / Larry Robinson / Jeremy Mineweaser
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Shape Memory Alloy Microwires with Surface Roughness Controlled Damping

Technology / Case number: #16079
Christopher Schuh / Stian Ueland
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Coherent Beam Combination in a Laser Oscillator Using Active Phase Control

Technology / Case number: #16070L
Steven Augst / Juan Montoya / Tso Yee Fan / Antonio Sanchez-Rubio
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Method for Reduction of Side Information in Multiple-Transform Video/Image Compression

Technology / Case number: #16859
Jae S Lim
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

3-D Photoresist via Functionalization of Polymer Thin Films Fabricated by Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (iCVD)

Technology / Case number: #15496
Christy Petruczok / Karen Gleason
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Predictive Semi-Autonomous Vehicle Navigation System

Technology / Case number: #13304
Karl Iagnemma / Sterling Anderson / Steven Peters
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials


Technology / Case number: #13571
LeeAnn Kim / Corinne Packard / Apoorva Murarka / Vladimir Bulovic / Jennifer Yu
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 1501 results

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