Available Technologies


Rare Earth Spatial/Spectral Barcodes for Multiplexed Biochemical Testing

Technology / Case number: #15231L
Patrick Doyle / Albert Swiston / Paul Bisso / Ji Seok Lee
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics

Flexible Phase-Transitioning Needles for Shear Stress Reduction

Technology / Case number: #24651J
Giovanni Traverso / Young-Geun Park
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials

Reversible and Ratiometric Sensing using Nanocrystals

Technology / Case number: #11693
Preston Snee / Rebecca Somers / Moungi G Bawendi / Daniel Nocera
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics / Electronics & Photonics / Therapeutics

Functional and Universal Surface Anchors Based on N-Heterocyclic Carbenes

Technology / Case number: #15855
Jeremiah A. Johnson / Aleksandr Zhukhovitskiy
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution

Initiated Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition

Technology / Case number: #14827
Anna Coclite / Karen Gleason
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Chemicals & Materials
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Conformal Coating of Nanostructure Arrays via Layer-by-Layer Techniques

Technology / Case number: #15785J
Brian L Wardle / Fabio Fachin / Michael F Rubner / Robert Cohen / Mehmet Toner
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Chemicals & Materials

New Methodology for Functional Materials Aerogels

Technology / Case number: #15342
Jing Kong / Sungmi Jung
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Adhesive Hydrogels Composed of Mucin Proteins Crosslinked by Catechol-Thiol Bonds

Technology / Case number: #25402
Katharina Ribbeck / George Degen / Corey Alfred Stevens / Gareth McKinley
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Chemicals & Materials

Non-Surgical Biomedical Implants

Technology / Case number: #25352TE
Deblina Sarkar / Shubham Yadav
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials

Reagent Impregnated Swipe for Thermal Desorption Release and Chemical Detection with Ambient Ionization Technology

Technology / Case number: #15691L
Kerin Gregory / Rod Kunz
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Ingestible Electronics Integrated with Flexible Measurement Electrodes for Gastrointestinal Bioelectric Sensing

Technology / Case number: #23241J
Giovanni Traverso / Robert Langer / Sean You / So-Yoon Yang / Adam Gierlach / George Selsing
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Computer Science

Engineering a Swine Macro-Organ Colorectal Cancer Platform to Combat Transport-Induced Chemotherapy Resistance

Technology / Case number: #22864JQ
Giovanni Traverso / Yunhua Shi / Vance Soares / Daniel Reker / Robert Langer
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics

Endovascular Injectable Stents for Cardiovascular Drug Delivery

Technology / Case number: #22578J
Giovanni Traverso / Sahab Babaee / Mazen Albaghdadi / Mohammed Chowdhury
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology

A Fully Implantable, Autonomous Closed-Loop System Capable of Long-Term Vital Signs Monitoring and Performing Lifesaving Treatment

Technology / Case number: #23387J
Giovanni Traverso / Hen Wei Huang / SeungHo Lee / Saurav Maji / Peter Chai / Tom Kerssemakers / Ian Ballinger / Anantha Chandrakasan
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Computer Science / Energy & Distribution

Flexible Piezoelectric Devices for Gastrointestinal Motility Sensing

Technology / Case number: #19910JQ
Giovanni Traverso / Canan Dagdeviren / Robert Langer
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology

Electrically-Triggered Degradation Of The Drug/Bacteria Chamber Covering

Technology / Case number: #24830J
Betar Gallant / Giovanni Traverso / Miguel Jimenez / Sean You / Seokkee Min / Rishabh Mittal / So-Yoon Yang / Adam Gierlach / James McRae / Kewang Nan / Yiyuan Yang / Emily Kolaya / Kyeongho Kim / Yeseul Jeon / Ian Ballinger / Anantha Chandrakasan
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution

Task Specific Ionic Liquid-Impregnated Polymeric Surface Coatings for Antibacterial, Antifouling and Metal Scavenging Activity

Technology / Case number: #19124
T. Alan Hatton / Paul Brown / Sahag Voskian / Cesar De la Fuente Nunez / Ryan Shaw
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Scalable and Safe Quantum Dot Precursor

Technology / Case number: #20834
Daniel Franke / Matthias Ginterseder / Moungi G Bawendi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging

Quantitative Ultra-sensitive Detection of Biological Species

Technology / Case number: #21467
Suchol Savagatrup / Kosuke Yoshinaga / Jie Li / Zachary Nelson / Cassandra Zentner / Timothy Manning Swager
Technology Areas: Agriculture & Food / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging

A Soft Waterproof Omnidirectional Tactile Feedback Sensing Sheet

Technology / Case number: #21524
Tyler Okamoto / Kamal Youcef-Toumi / Jiyoung Chang
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Industrial Engineering & Automation

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 34 results

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